












妈妈不放心我独自驾车,因为我常常会眼困。所以就叫爸爸陪我去,一路上也好有人陪伴。我心里高兴却也担心。毕竟,好久没有和爸爸谈话,一路上,该怎么是好? 如果提到宗教课题,又会如何?









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他的离去,让我们不舍之余,也不禁反问:”为什么?””为什么那么快就走了?”曾经说过要与我们一起庆祝他的70大寿的呢? 怎么就忘了呢?


我百思不解,怀着伤痛,我没有怪上帝。因为这位长辈在他临死前几天,他在社交网站说:”Phillipians 1: … to live is Christ …” 当时我也不明白这句经文的意思与他的心思。

我的先生,他觉得不公平。他觉得上帝的仆人不应该这么快被带走。记得有人对我说,如果我们对上帝的安排有所疑问,我们可以问上帝:”为什么?” 有一天,在我祷告时,我泪流满面,向上帝诉说了我内心的伤痛与郁闷。我也无法开导我的先生,抚慰他内心的悲伤。

接着,我向上帝发问:”亲爱的天父上帝,我真的不明了。为什么你把蓝医生给带走了? 他明明还可以帮助更多的人建立信仰的基础,他可以有很多生命的见证,他可以影响更多的生命,为什么祢却息了他在世上的工作? 上帝,我祈求祢让我明了你在当中的旨意。祷告,奉主耶稣的名求,阿门。”








碰巧遇见刚刚话剧的主角之一出来透透气,竟发现原来是认识的姐妹。她在台上时,我完全认不出她来! 谈话间,忽然她告诉我,蓝医生是她的雇主,也是帮了她很多的忙。更是她非常敬爱的属灵长辈。









Philippians 1:21 因我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处;

Philippians 3:10 使我认识基督,晓得他复活的大能,并且晓得和他一同受苦,效法他的死,11 或者我也得以从死里复活。 (ODJ)

Matthews 11:29 我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息.


God has spoken. Glory to God.


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“妈咪,我真的是强啊! 我的考试作文竟然写得老师都被感动了! 而且还拿到我的作文中最高分的一份。25分中我竟然拿到了23分!” 女儿沾沾自喜的说。


“哦,一个难忘的回忆。” 她缓缓道来 。

“原本我打算写妈妈死了。” 她兴奋的述说着她的思路 。

听到这句,哦,我的心头凉了一片 。。。原来真心这么想的 。。。啊。。。

“可是,我又觉得明明妈妈都没死,这么写就好像是诅咒了。。。好像不大好 。。。” 她边思考着边说。

我心里想: 哦,原来如此 。。。话还真是要听完喔。这一句听进耳里,心头都暖呼呼了!

“所以,我就想家里有谁死了? 结果就想到了爷爷,所以我就以爷爷为主角来写。” 她的声调开始有些急促。

“我写,爷爷其实很希望跟我可以坐在他的腿上跟他聊天互动的,可是我却一直看手机,没有去理会爷爷。结果,爷爷去世了,我才发现已经没有机会跟他谈话了。所以要珍惜身边的人,不要等到失去了才后悔。” 她的声音里藏着思思的哀伤。










昨天,在奶奶家,奶奶又为他们准备了乳酸菌饮料,我女儿喃喃自语的说:”谁说我们这般年纪不懂得什么叫后悔? 我就是后悔以前没坐在爷爷大腿上喝多一点乳酸菌饮料!”

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The Road To Her Spine Operation Part 3

Finally the day came … here I am sitting at the waiting area outside the operation department. There were several others together with me there. I was told that my mum’s operation takes at least 5 hours. The minutes seemed like years to me at this moment.

After seeing so many patients being transferred to their wards, I felt the rising pressure and my heart was pumping even harder. There’s nothing I could do but prayers. I tried to immerse myself in reading but the words hardly being comprehended.

I tried to tame my wild thoughts by reminding myself how God had kept my faith and His guidance and peace that had lead me to this point.

I thought of the parking experience where I just need to go on with FAITH and God will lead the way. I thought of how God had made possible the approval of medical assistance in the shortest time compared to others. I remembered how God had sent angel, a friend of mine, to our side sharing with us her father’s successful spine operation under the same doctor.

Then I thought about what could have been the reason that God keep delaying my mum’s operation? I suddenly realised if my mum underwent her operation on the 1st operation date, she would have suffered stroke or died during the operation. Why? It was because the 22% plaque was not diagnosed and worst of all, that ignorant anesthetist who ordered my mum to stop her valsartan medicine 2 weeks before her operation. This could have increased her risk of stroke during operation!

Few days before my mum’s operation, I consulted my friend who was an anesthetist in another general hospital, she told me she had not known of any such order of stopping the valsartan medicine weeks before operation. They usually stop on the operation day. This had really puzzled me. And she further informed me that all issues about plaque and heart conditions must be well kept in the report files.

This lead me to realise that before my mum’s first operation date, the doctors failed to discover the 22% plaque in her carotid artery! This could have caused complications during operation too. Therefore I was really thankful to God that He stopped the operation. So, 1st operation date being delayed is cleared.

After this understanding, I searched my mind for the possible reasons of 2nd operation date being delayed. This could have been the inner issues of my mum’s confidence level. The doctor refused to operate on patients who are not confidence in the success rate of an operation. I kept telling my mum that we will pray for her, sharing with her about the peace I am experiencing throughout the diagnosis period , reassuring her about my faith in God that He will keep her safe. All these has little influence on a non-believer like her.

God sees what she needed and had us met with my primary school classmate whom my mum knows since we were kids in the same neighbourhood. She told my mum that this doctor was very skillful and had successfully operated on her dad’s spine. Then God sent us to see the orthopedic and the physician whom my mum trusted most. Both reassured my mum that her operation will be successful and encouraged her to go for it. I also took the opportunity to share with her all the wonderful works of God in my opinions, meeting with my friend, these doctors and the medical assistance approval. She was agreeable. Now 2nd operation date delayed solved.

3rd operation date … I was told the doctor’s mum was in critical conditions. I learnt later that the doctor’s mum was warded during that time and she needs to take care of her in the hospital she’s attached. Then I thought it could be possible that the doctor might not be ready for major operation during these time that she has to delay it. Another reason I got to know was the lack of medical staff during the 3rd operation date because it was around Chinese New Year celebration. Hence, 3rd operation date delayed solved.

It then comes to why this 4th operation date? This will need to look into during the hospitalization period.

My mum’s operation lasted about 8 hours. The doctor told me the operation was very successful eventhough my mum’s pressure once hit 200mmHg before the operation. She had 9 screws implanted, together with quite an amount of bone graft on her sacrum. Doctor also did a lumbar spinal decompression on my mum. I was so relieved at hearing these and kept thanking her. But the doctor told me, “Don’t thank me first, we still need to monitor on her excretory functions and mobility. Remember I told you about the possible risks involved could be lost of urination control, loss of bowel movement control, disabilty in her fingers, paralysed legs? These will have to be monitored closely. Till then only thank me. ” My heart sank as I heard these.

I thought the wait outside the operation theater was the most torturing process … but in actual the care after the operation is the real test … a test of patience, endurance, knowledge, physical and mental strength, the wit to know when and where to seek advice and assistance.

This is government hospital and they are seriously lack of staff. Everything we have to do on our own. From monitoring the glucose drip to changing diapers and cleaning her, all had to be done on our own. For those having no one to look after them, they will have to wait, sometimes for hours to get a nurse to come to serve them.

During my mum’s 2 weeks hospitalization period, several angels were sent to us.

When my mum was just out from the operation room, we were changed to non air-conditioned room with another 5 patients. We were lucky enough that a granddaughter of a patient was very helpful and friendly. She always come over to help my mum when I was away to canteen or washroom. She even shared with my mum her stories at school etc. She would offer helps to my mum whenever she’s around causing her grandmother to be a bit jealous. Before her grandmother discharged, she came to bid my mum goodbye and hug my mum, telling my mum to take good care of herself. She’s such a heart warming angel sent by God to accompany my mum.

On post operation day 2, a doctor who came to inspect my mum ordered the staff to provide my mum with an air cushion ripple mattress to help prevent bed sores. This mattress helps to cool a bit. However, due to the fact that I had no idea how to turn my mum on her sides without causing much pain her her 10 inches+ wounds along her spine, therefore bed sores still happened. This further worsen the pain.

My mum was very weak for the first 5 days after operation. She couldn’t eat and could only drink very little nutritional milk formula. Meals prepared by the hospital were not appetizing too. Mostly cooked with chilly which my mum could not tolerate. Vegetables were cooked too long and lost its greens. I could hardly ate it too.

On post operation day 5, we were changed back to air-conditioned room with 3 other patients. Quieter environment and more privacy. Two days later, a lady around my mum’s age, aunty Lai was admitted and stayed opposite my mum’s bed. She had her knee operation on the same day. Her house is just 10 minutes walk from this hospital. Her daughter took care of her here after her operation.

When my mum and aunty Lai started to chat, they found they shared so many interests. Both of them love singing, gardening and sewing. They even love the same songs. This could probably due to their similar age.
When aunty Lai could eat solid food, her daughter cooked for her. She even prepared an extra portion for my mum and I. The pork rib soup could be the life saving and most delicious dish my mum ever tasted. For the past few days my mum could hardly eaten more than 2 spoonfuls of rice, but for this meal, my mum finished half bowl of the rice together with the soup! Her taste buds were totally awaken by the tasty home cooked soup! That’s when I see my mum started to have her appetite back. Aunty Lai was surprised at her daughter’s act too. She told my mum that her daughter is an introvert who seldom socialized even with relatives. And it’s really out of her expectation that her daughter would have prepared dinner for my mum. Aunty Lai’s daughter is another angel sent by God.

The next day, my mum was craving for fish porridge. I am not a local therefore has no idea where to buy it. Aunty Lai called her son to buy my mum a packet of fish porridge. He then gave me the address of the shop so that I can drive there next time. This fish porridge once again fulfilled my mum’s desire and she almost finished the whole bowl by her own. For the next few days, I could finally go out to buy porridge or noodles soup for my mum. She improved much.

For the rest of the days at hospital, aunty Lai and my mum became each others companion. They chat and share their stories and knowledge in gardening. Aunty Lai really eased my mum’s pain and helped her to come out from her sadness. My mum was in so much pain that she secretly cried to herself and found herself missing her parents dearly. Aunty Lai is an angel sent by God. My mum and aunty Lai became good friend and a support for each other during their recuperation, keeping each others company when spirit is low.

If not for the family of aunty Lai, my mum might need even longer recovering period due to her poor appetite. I really appreciate them very much. Thank God for angels sent to us.

Besides, there were then bunch of training students who loved to chat to my mum. My mum would be happily teaching them Chinese language while they taught my mum Bahasa Malaysia. Several good doctors were around too, giving my mum some really precious advices and thorough checkups. Staff nurses there were very helpful too. These were also angels to us.

Another angel was the young girl of a patient next to my mum’s bed. Her mother was hospitalised due to leg pain. She’s the youngest in the family and volunteered to look after her mother at the hospital. She would offer my mum helps whenever I was not around. There’s once, I went out to buy food for my mum. During that time, my mum suddenly felt some bowel movement and forced herself to walk to the toilet using her walking frame. She went in for quite some time and this caused the young girl to be so worried that my mum might need some help. She kept calling at the door and after a while she directly opened the door to check if my mum is ok. She’s such a lovely kind hearted girl. Her actions really warmed our hearts.

And not forgetting the pretty Indian doctor Madam Jaya for her outstanding skills and experience that had made this operation a very successful one. She’s kind and caring and gave my mum a lot of positive power, encouraging her and forcing her to walk on her feets.

Now, as I looked back on all these people and incidents, they all proved to me that the operation time at this date is the perfect one to be able to meet them and had our paths crossed at such timing to warm each others hearts. If God has not worked on these, it will not be happening.

Above all, thank God for a wonderful outcome. Thank God for His protections. Thank God for all the angels sent to us during these period. Thank God for leading us through and showed us His great works throughout the process. Thank God for all the enlightenment that lead us to understand of His arrangement. God’s timing is the best!

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The Road to Her Spine Operation Part 2

It’s a long wait before my mum actually had her spine operation date confirmed. From the first fixed operation date to the actual operation date, there have been 4 scheduled dates.

At first, the operation date was fixed in June 2017. The anesthetist ordered that my mum should stop taking her valsartan medication 2 weeks before the operation date, else they will not opetate on her cause there will be danger of excessive bleeding during the operation. 1 week before the operation we were being informed that there was an emergency case and after reviewing the cases on hand, the doctor decided to delay my mum’s operation date.

They then scheduled the operation date to be in November 2017. Due to the fact that all the pre operation examinations must be within 1 month from the operation date, therefore my mum was required to redo all the blood tests, ECG and chest x-ray. Her tests were all good, however, when the internal medicine specialist made a physical examination on the right side of my mum’s neck, she ordered for US Doppler Test for my mum, in October 2017.

The result of the US Doppler Test turned out that she has a 22% plaque in her right carotid. Panic struck us as the operation date is just less than 1 month and we are totally clueless of how much danger can this plaque further complicate the spine operation. 

The worst fear of my mum regarding this major spine operation is stroke. And when we met the anaesthetist, he told my mum that her condition greatly increased her chances of stroke during operation. How many percentage of stroke occurring, he can’t be sure. We got cold feeted and refused to sign the letter of consent. As the result, operation date was being postponed again.

After consulting another orthopaedic surgeon from another specialist hospital in town, he told us that it’s pretty safe to go for the operation. And he reassured my mum confidently that the operation will be a success. When we visit another physician whom my mum had been seeing for the past few years told us that we shouldn’t stop the valsartan medication before the operation cause if we did, it increased the chances of stroke during operation. He also assured my mum that 22% plaque is not worrisome.

After clearing her doubts, we went to register for another operation date. It was in end of February 2018.  We patiently waited for this day and 1 day before her admittion, the hospital called to inform us that the doctor’s family has an emergency  condition and therefore the operation must be delayed. They promised they will contact me when the doctor returned to work.

3 weeks passed without a single call from the hospital side. The wait is really long and torturing. I can’t help crying out to God, why all the delays? Why? Why was the operation date delayed again and again? Why? I really want to know why. God you had us waited for another 8 months, and now delayed again? When can my mum undergo operation?

I was totally puzzled at these. However, the thought of my mum going for the operation was still quite peaceful. After a long thoughts, we decided to make an appointment to speak to the doctor in person. And we were finally been given another operation date,  3 April 2018.

This time round, all the pre operation tests were done successfully. The anesthetist we are seeing is extremely patient in explaining every operation details and risks to my mum. This really clear her mind and finally we signed the letter of consent. But this time, the anesthetist gave a medication order totally different from the 1st operation date, that we should take the valsartan medication till operation eve. We should only skip the valsartan medicine on the operation day.

This time, everything went on smoothly. The stern looking doctor was exceptionally friendly, patting my mum’s back comforting her and reassuring her that all will be fine. I saw God’s work behind these gestures.

However, deep down in my heart I was still quite puzzled by the previous delays. I was rather neglectful and unable to figure it out until a few days before this last operation date. 


What did I learn?
~ to be continued in Part 3 ~

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The Road to Her Spine Operation Part 1

9 June 2016 marks the start of my mum’s routine visits to hospital for her worsening backache and leg pain.

The cause of her backache dated back about 40 years ago … She was so young at 28 years old. And my dad was an adventurous 34 years old young man. On that fateful day, my dad was fetching my mum and I on his motorcycle. 

My dad was trying to cross a wide drain through a narrow plank. The width of the plank was merely double the width of his motorcycle’s tyre. We lost balance and fell down the drain. My mum landed first then I landed on top of her. My dad? He landed on top of me, so my mum was taking the weight of my dad and I plus the momentum … 

Due to the lack of medical services at a small town that we lived in, she bore the pain and forgot about it. 

40 years passed, the effect is getting more visible. Her back hunched and her left back muscle is higher than her right side back muscle. Her spine curved. She was diagnosed with degenerative lumbar disease together with scoliosis. 

When it was obvious that only a spine operation can prevent her limbs from getting weaker, she decided to go for it despite knowing all the great risks involved in the operation.

When she had made up her mind to go for an operation … deep down in my heart, I started to feel uneasy. “Is this the correct path that God want us on?” 

I kept praying to God for protection and assurances. Although my friend had been sharing her prayers with me and how she made her decision by the calm feeling of peace in her mind … I am still clueless. The feeling of peace is very personal where only the person in that situation will understand how it feels and it’s hard to put into words.

I needed more affirmative signs, verses and words from God. 

The nearest parking space at the hospital area is hard to get. Sometimes I waited 30 minutes in order to grab a vacant lot. There’s once, before I turned into this parking area, I spoke to myself, “I will drive in with faith that I will get a vacant lot!” Indeed, after I turned in there was an empty lot there! I was really amazed by it! There were several cars before me but they didn’t turn into this area! This incident greatly strengthened my faith in this operation decision. God had cleared my doubts. As long as I carry on with FAITH, He will do the best arrangement for me.

My dad is a retiree therefore my mum is eligible to apply for medical assistance from the health ministry. After we had gathered all required documents and submitted the application form. We were told that the application normally takes more than 3 months to know the results. There were cases where it never gets approved. And they said recent submitions has taken even longer time to process with decreased success rates.

The operation confirmation date given to us was less than 3 month’s time. If we don’t get the medical aasistance approval by then, we will either have to pay ourselves or get a later operation date. I prayed so hard that the application could be approved in less than 3 months. Guessed how long did it take? It was approved within 3 weeks! Amazing wasn’t it? Praise The Lord! This is the work of God! He answered our prayers! Thank you God! 

Whenever I felt burdened by the idea of going through the operation, I prayed to God. I asked God if this is the right and neccessary decision. Each and every time after my prayer, my emotion calms down. I felt relieved.

I am such a forgetful person that I easily forget about just anything. There were times I was so doubtful at the peace of mind and I was thinking, “How could I be not worried at all regarding my mum’s operation? Was it because I wasn’t the one undergoing the operation or was this the peace from God?”

One day, I asked God if I didn’t care enough to feel nervous? What happened next really stunned me. My heart kept pumping so hard and the heavy burden thought of operation nearly suffocated me! 

When I asked God this question, I never know how will I know the answer, but then God let me feel the real fear! It’s truly unbearable. After this experience, I never doubted the calmness in my mind. I knew clearly and undoubtedly that it’s the peace from God.

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“你好! 你们都非常明白今天我们需要做什么对吗? 今天我们需要再做一次超声波诊断,看看她的胸腺是否有缩小? 是否已经缩到理想中的体积? 然后,我们才决定接下来的步骤。”医生微微笑地说。








我们心想:”又来?!” 脸上的表情就复杂了起来。

医生笑着说:”好消息是最新的数据显示,你女儿的胸腺有明显的缩小。从上次的数据算来,大概是67.84cm3, 而新出炉的数据是 9.282cm3。”

我和我先生听了之后,如释重负,我的心里满是感谢,我不住的在心里呐喊着:”感谢主! 感谢主!”

“但是,。。。” 医生接着说:”她的胸腺还是比一般正常的尺寸来得大。超声波扫描看起来没有异样,但是,我们并不知道那是不是正常。因为正常的胸腺在她现在这个年纪,应该看不见了。”




这一次的复诊,上帝回应了我的祷告。祂通过那86% 的体积减少让我明明白白的知道,上帝在作工。上帝大能的手在医治我的女儿。祂让我知道祂是听见我的祷告的。祂也通过这些数字安抚了我们焦虑的心,使我们能静下心来知道,祂是神。






Cross in the sky

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Book Fair

Last week there was a book fair in my kids’ school. They were so eager to shop for a book of their choice especially my son. Eventhough I do bring them to bookstores quite frequently but they never really bother to look through the books and find one to read. They just can’t wait to get to that date.

On the day of the book fair, while we were on the way to school, my son reminded me again, “Mom, remember to bring some money to school when you fetch me home later!”

“Oh, what do you need the money for?” Honestly, it really slipped off my mind!

“Mom, don’t you remember that today is the book fair!” He said disappointedly.

“Oh … yeah sure I will bring extra money. I’ll be there!” I assured him.

When I reached the school at noon time, many parents were also dragged by their children to search for their favorite books. My son came running to me with a broad smile on his face.

“Mom, this way! Come, there were so many books!” He exclaimed excitedly.

I never seen him so excited about picking a book by himself. I walked by him trying to see what type of books that interest him. That’s none other than the comic books!

He handed me a copy of the “Plants VS Zombies” comic books and told me “That’s for sister!” Then he moved to the next table and came back with a Calabash Brothers book.


Calabash Brothers book my son chose

“Mom, I want this! This is the characters that the Running Man China entertainment show featured in one of the episode!” He grinned.

Running Man China is one of his favorite variety show. That Calabash Brothers was one of his favorite episode cause the host in that episode (S4EP7) was Song Joong Ki from Korea. He was thrilled by the previous Korean Star Rain’s performance in previous episode therefore looking forward to Song Joong Ki’s appreance in Running Man China.


Song Joong Ki appeared in Running Man China S4EP7

While I flipped through the Calabash Brothers book, my son hold my hands and lead me to the next row of book at the corner. He pointed at the pack of books on the table and signal me to have a look.

It was a stack of recipes books on soup. I was quite surprised that he would be interested in recipes books. “Hey son, these are recipes books you know?” He smiled at me sheepishly and moved on to another stack of books.

When we were on our way home, I was quite curious at his attempt to show me the stack of recipes books. Therefore I decided to find out.

“Son, why did you show me the recipes books just now? Those are recipes for soup. You want to drink soup?” I asked him.

He smiled.

“Hey, why didn’t you answer me? Were you thinking of asking me to cook soup for you?” I asked again.

“Oh, I showed you the recipes books because I want you to cook more tasty food.” He answered coolly.

“…” I was speechless … that explained why he never finish his meals at home …

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圣诞晚会 2015


第二天早晨,到了办公室,再次陷入每一日的例长工作。好不容易盼到了午餐时间,走过无数间的咖啡店,依然没有找到能挑起我的食欲的食物。不知不觉的走到了商场中的一家小吃店,就叫一份泰式鸡扒饭吧! 这家小吃店我经过了好几次却从来没有想过会在这里用餐。它座落于商场中央,属于开放式的,比较没有隐私。


这通电话,距离我昨天早上祷告的时间,不超过30小时! 我是在发白日梦吗? 这是真的吗? 我心中激动的非笔墨所能形容。主真的让我有了这个机会来实现我的梦想! 太棒了! 这一餐,塞满我的口的不是泰式鸡扒饭,乃是停不住口的感谢,感谢上帝愿意给我这个机会参与圣诞会的筹备与担任圣诞会的司仪。


为了我自己的无法进入状况,我很懊恼,也很纳闷,为何自觉无法融入呢? 这样的疑虑从一开始就扰乱了我的思绪。我开始质疑我是否能担当司仪这项任务。我开始怀疑,我是不是司仪的最佳人选? 还是另一位姐妹比我更适合担任司仪? 因为,感觉她比我更掌握了整个节目的流程并且常常能提出有建设性的意见。再加上主席曾经提及如果我无法担任司仪,可以让这位姐妹担任。

面对无法融入的自己,我也曾询问上帝:”主啊,为何您给了我机会参与,却让我陷入这样的一个情况里? 我一直都无法进入状态,毫无参与感。主啊,您让我进来筹委会,却让我如此懵懂,我该怎么办? 还是,主,我误会了。。。其实,我并不是您所要用的那位司仪。主啊,是那位姐妹比我更合适吧?” 对于我的无理的控诉,主没有给予任何理会或答案。

这份疑虑一直在我心中纠结着,好几次想放弃的话差点脱口而出,然而我却不希望是因为我自己的胡思乱想而失去这个机会,但是如果是上帝不要我成为主持人,我会顺服。想到如此,我向上帝祷告说:”主啊,如果我不是您心目中的司仪的人选,请您让主席亲自来告诉我说他想换人。请您不要让我的疑虑造成我临阵退缩。” 主席始终没有再提起可以换司仪这个想法。

日复一日,终于到了彩排的时候。握着手中的讲稿,我满有信心的觉得,主持节目应该没问题的。就在我站上舞台时,我发现那一刻的我依然没有进入该有的状态当中。一连串的忘稿,忘词,找不着台词,让我的情绪彻底崩溃。我曾经的舞台信心去了哪里? 我曾经的背稿专长去了哪里? 我曾经的临危不乱,稳健的台风去了哪里? 我这才发现,那些我曾引以为荣的一切,已不复存。留下的是愣在台上翻找着台词的我!


我的心已碎了,我完全没有信心能担任司仪,但是距离晚会只有仅仅的2个小时,我该怎么办? 几近崩溃的我唯有向上帝交托。我向上帝祷告说:”主啊,求您使用我吧! 我发现我什么都不能做。求您使用我能在今晚的晚会中担任今晚的司仪,求您帮助我记住我该记的台词,让我能更好的掌握节目的流程,让出席者们能观赏到一个完整的晚会,不要因为我的不足而逊色,希望观众能听见福音并且来信靠主。”

晚会的前30分钟,我还在背稿。就是有那么一段,我怎么也记不来。反正也记不来,我索性继续祷告。站在舞台上的那一刻,望着近600人的观众席, 我说:”主啊,求您让我镇定,不要紧张。” 果然,几个深呼吸后,我的情绪被控制住了, 刚刚原有的紧张焦虑竟然一扫而空!

其中有出现一些小状况,就是那一段我怎么也背不了的稿,原以为可以看稿,就在那段我需要介绍的时候,舞台的灯光为预备下一个节目而被熄了。我伸手一看,手到之处竟是一片漆黑,哪看得到稿啊? 就在这时,主再次让我见识到祂的大能! 我竟然能背出那一段稿! 节目流程在各个弟兄姐妹的合作下,晚会得以圆满结束。

我非常感谢主让我有幸能参与这一次的圣诞晚会的筹备工作及担任司仪,而让我能经历神的恩典与带领。从筹备工作一开始到晚会前的几个小时,我仍是无法进入状态,这一切更能让我感受到主的带领! 这次经验让我深深体会到,当主让我们去做的时候,祂大能的手必看顾,给予我们的一切所需,引领我们完成使命。一切不是靠着我的能力,乃是靠着主!

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